#23. Influence the leadership as an employee

It's easy to believe that leadership is created only by the manager. However there are ways to affect the leadership even if you are an employee. You have a choice how you act and react.

ou can decide what you want and then talk to your colleagues and to your manager in order to influence and create change. If your situation is really bad and you want a change it's very important to listen to yourself so you don't stay too long and start to feel bad or sick at work. It's important to take care of yourself. 

You can follow them on twitter as @PiaVingestrahl and @Artmann 

This episode was recorded in the park at Krapperup Castle, Höganäs, during July 2015.

1) www.leadershipforreal.com (english)
2) www.Vingestrahle.se (swedish)

ISBN: 9789198162813


Lotta Artmann - Camera
Brendan Lally - Still photo

Architecture Corner is a part of Disruptive Architecture - disruptivearchitecture.info
Published by Artmann Media, Höganäs, Sweden, August 2015.

Copyright: Creative Commons License, Attribution Share Alike