Nobody remembers a coward

I say to my colleagues that I don’t like risks at work.

This  may be a contradiction, as my risk tolerance compared to other persons are much higher.

At home & play, I’m riding difficult horses, been skiing off pist, scuba diving in caves, walking & skiing alone in the mountains,  off- shore sailing,  driving motorcycles and tried parachute jumping.

The owner didn’t want to ride her.

With these personal activities, I try to evaluate the probability and the consequences of something going wrong. A helmet and a safety west will minimize the damages when you fall. Don’t jump into the water if it doesn’t feel good. Follow the tracks if you are alone so somebody could find you etc.

The issues with large IT projects are that a lot of people are ignorant of the risks, and don’t take any actions to either avoid them or mitigate them.

What kind of risk do you dare to take, at work and at play?