EA case study - End of life

When your application reaches end-of-life and the vendor doesn’t support it any more, you still have the option to run it. But when a cloud application reaches end of life, you don’t have an option.


We have been using Microsoft Customer Manager as a lightweight CRM application. It’s included in one of the Office 365 subscriptions and is therefore a low-cost solution.

However, the application reaches end-of-life in June 2020 and we have to implement a new solution before then and migrate all data.

A parallel example that we also have is StudioBinder that is used for production planning. The cost per user is rather high and they have not added any functionality in a year. 

As I see development of new functionality in cloud service as a health-sign, and no development as the opposite, we are preparing to switch from this platform.

So currently, we are looking at Visma Project Management and Yamdu as new cloud services to replace Customer Manager and StudioBinder.

Lot of IT, yes and but we have defined processes for Film production and Sales as well as our high-level architecture principles.