When frameworks meet reality
The film production process industry standardized on the highest level, so the process development look fairly easy? Guess what, it’s not.
We have to look at film as a product, different type of films needs different types of products. Without industry knowledge, you will never know and without it l, your processes will not be optimized.
Some examples are described below, but there are much more if going into detail.
Reality show
Short film
Animated film
Music video
Theatrical event
Sports event
Social event
We look at the distinct characteristic of differrent types of productions, they are as examples:
Purpose; Entertain, inform or promote
Narrative or non narrative
Live event or not, or a combination of both
Broadcast, Recorded or both
Actors an/or persons who act as them self
Filmed and/or animated
In addition to them, we also have other things to manage in a film production as;
Different types of funding
Different countries
Different categories of buyers and their anticipations
The first question is how to describe this type of input in an EA framework, especially when most of them orginate from IT.
The second, even more important question is, is EA making it easier to make those descriptions, or is it only a way to communicate what we have.
Next week, this is what I will post en the next part of the EA case study.